Flu Shot Bill Protest Monday Jan 22!

Monday 1/22/18
200 w. Washington Street Indianapolis
2 nd level

KILL HB1058 RALLY.~ NO FREE ADS for pharma for their liability free product.


HB1058 wants the State Fund ( where YOUR tax dollars go)
To pay for flu vaccine “‘information” (ADVERTISEMENT) to be given to our sick and elderly living in residential care facilities.

The Authors, Reps Ron Bacon and Karlee Macer want YOU to believe that CDC recommendations are SAFE AND SOUND.

The CDC is corrupt and currently under CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION. There has been 13 CDC Scientists  that have come forward to declare FRAUD AND CORRUPTION. Their claim is that the CDC has been captured by Industry and can no longer be trusted as a non biased source of information.

All 150 legislators have received information that I had delivered to the mailroom about the LACK of vaccine safety. That was the HHS Vaccine safety white papers from  They Cannot say they do not know and WE CANNOT allow our lawmakers to use CDC recommendations to push a VACCINE AGENDA until the CDC has been reformed.

I do not want MY TAX DOLLARS targeting the sick and elderly WITH LIES.

We will Rally 8-10am. The Vote is at 1:30 pm.
Take your kids out of school. Call off work. Put off the laundry. Show the Indiana General Assembly what UNITED and INFORMED citizens LOOK LIKE.


HHS NOTICE we provided ALL 150 Legislators with a few months ago. They ALL know this information. We’ve already told them.  You can read the entire thing here: 

Here’s the email our President just sent:

Honorable Representatives,

Good Morning. You will be asked to vote on HB1058 Monday 1/22/18 at 1:30 pm.
I am asking you to oppose for the following reasons.
1. The authors will have you believe that they only want to create a new law to give Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “information” to residents in residential care facilities.
My opposition comes from the knowledge of CDC corruption. You have been given an OFFICIAL NOTICE from my organization about the lack of vaccine safety. I hand delivered to the Mail room, the Health and Human Services (HHS) Notice to all 150 Indiana Lawmakers. This notice gives official notice to HHS that The People of the United States are, according to the United States Congress, permitted and STAND READY to litigate against our Federal Government if they continue to willfully fail to act, as they have since 1986. HHS was tasked with specific duties pertaining to vaccine safety in 1986 when Congress gave LIABILITY IMMUNITY to vaccine manufacturers and established the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, stripping Americans of their right to due process against an industry for their products.
My organization, Indiana For Medical Freedom, signed on to that notice, representing over 2000 Indiana Families.
This HHS NOTICE was signed by hundreds of organizations, representing over TWO MILLION AMERICANS across the United States.
If you claim to have not received it, or if it has escaped your notice, here it is again: 


2. Now that you’re up to speed on the LACK OF VACCINE SAFETY in the United States, I ask how you can vote, in good conscience to provide CDC “information” to a susceptible population, the sick and the elderly, residing in residential care facilities WHO DESERVE YOUR PROTECTION.

I call this “information” the authors of HB1058 want to REQUIRE, BY LAW a pharmaceutical advertisement for a liability free product.
The Authors are not considering HB1058 as a vaccine mandate, but it is. It’s a mandate, by LAW, to FORCE residential care facilities to hand out information on a liability free product with a 10% efficacy rate and responsible for 56.3% of ALL COMPENSATION TO VICTIMS IN VACCINE COURT.
I put evidence from the US Department of Health and Human Services in many of your hands yesterday, 1/18/18. If I missed you, here it is:
Find page 3. Find “Influenza”. Find “Court Decisions”. See 165? Write that down.
On the same page, find “Grand Total”. Find “Court Decisions”. See 293? Write that down.

So, the Authors want you to vote in favor of a mandate to advertise a liability free product with a 10% efficacy rate, and is responsible for more than HALF of all compensation.


3. I know that you want to do what is right. To do what is right, you must rely on vigilant citizens to tell you what you may not know. I know that you value fact based and properly sourced, credible information and so do I. That is why I’m giving you this link to the New England Journal of Medicine that provides information on the efficacy of this year’s flu shot. It’s 10%. 
I challenge you to look at the grading scale for schools. What is a 10% grade? 

NOW you see that you MUST OPPOSE.

Thank you in advance, most sincerely for your consideration and for voting your conscience, after doing your due diligence on this very important matter.
See you Monday.
Warmest Regards,
Melissa Sfura, President, Co-Founder
Indiana For Medical Freedom


MAJOR Action Alert Day!


We have 2 important bills scheduled for hearings on Tuesday! The legislature does not meet Monday due to MLK Jr Day so please make sure you make your phone calls and send your emails ASAP today! If you must wait until the weekend to make contact that’s fine but today is better! Drop what you’re doing and take 5 minutes to reach out. These calls and emails make a HUGE difference, as we’ve already seen. SB 135 was shredded down to nothing thanks to our calls and emails and SB 128 will likely pass with full support next week! Success!!

STEP 1: Call AND Email your State Representative re: 

To find your State level House Rep go here: 

Here is an example letter you may use/extrapolate from to write your own email and use as talking points. I found it most effective to send the email first and then call their office to let them know I’d emailed them and it was urgent so wanted to follow up to be sure they received it. This makes a HUGE DIFFERENCE in whether or not they actually read the email. Many do not otherwise because they get so many emails! You can call the House of Representatives switchboard here and ask for your legislator by name:
(317) 232-9600

Good afternoon!
I’m writing to you about something I’m very concerned about as one of your constituents! I hope you weigh my concerns carefully as you head into the full House hearing on this bill on Tuesday.

Re: HB1058 

I have serious problems with this bill.

1. It targets the poor. If it’s so important, why not the entire population?

2. The flu vaccine is THE most dangerous vaccine there is according to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Just look for yourself here:

3. The flu shot is THE LEAST effective of all vaccines with a 10% efficacy rate. WHY on earth would we ADVERTISE (a FOR PROFIT vaccine at taxpayer expense) a failing product for which NO ONE but taxpayers are liable for injury or death? Especially to POOR people on assistance ANYWAY? Their injuries would only cost The State more in resources because if they become TOTALLY disabled, they’ll never get off assistance and we’ll be paying for their housing, insurance and care longer, if not for the rest of their lives. Most people don’t even KNOW they can’t sue manufacturers for injury or death. Most people don’t know there’s a compensation program (at taxpayer expense) that can take a decade to adjudicate or dismissed entirely.

10% efficacy evidence here:

4. IF this BAD BILL passes, it will be the first step to mandate vaccines for anyone on any type of public assistance. I WILL NOT allow that to happen in our great state.

5. This is scheduled for 2nd reading next Tuesday 1/16/18 @1:30. We are rallying in opposition that day. I will be there. I have a question about 2nd Readings, though. Is public testimony allowed at 2nd readings, or is our only hope to kill this in the house to rally outside of the chambers and put the evidence I linked to you above in our Representatives’ hands?

I’m looking very forward to your reply on this bill. I need the information about 2nd readings as soon as possible. Please call me or reply to this email as soon as you can.

As Always, THANK YOU, for all that you do for your constituents.

Warmest Regards,

: Email THEN CALL Senator Ed Charbonneau (Chairman of the Senate Health and Provider Services Committee) and PLEAD with him to call to a hearing for  

This is the bill we lobbied for! This bill requires all schools at registration to inform parents of their right to religious and medical exemptions from vaccination. Currently schools are NOT following the law by telling partial truths. They will tell parents that their children can be kicked out of school for not being up-t0-date on vaccines but do NOT tell them that they have a right to an exemption. Section 3 of The Indiana Constitution says “No law shall, in any case whatever, control the free exercise and enjoyment of religious opinions, or interfere with the rights of conscience.” Every citizen of the state of Indiana has the right to exempt their child from vaccines if it goes against their conscience!

Schools are operating outside the law with the full support of the Indiana State Department of Health (ISDOH). We have contacted the ISDOH, Senator Jim Tomes has contacted the ISDOH, and private citizens have contacted the ISDOH, and they are WILLFULLY refusing to act. This leads us to believe that this is how they operate and they are supporting the obfuscation. WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS! That is why this bill is needed and Senator Ed Charbonneau needs to know about this so he can call a hearing for this bill!

Dear Senator Charbonneau,

I am writing you today to discuss the urgency of SB 18 and why the state of Indiana NEEDS you to call this bill for a hearing. School districts are lying to parents by stating that their child will be excluded from school if their vaccines are not up to date. The need for this bill comes from the schools only telling part truths. The law says vaccines are required for school entry and just below that, in the same code, it allows for religious and medical exemptions. When schools quote the first half of the law without including the 2nd half, they are intentionally deceiving parents of their legal right to exempt their children from vaccines. What other company, never mind a government agency (public schools), would be allowed to misquote the law in order to coerce the public to achieve a desired result?

Here is a link where you can see some examples we compiled of the schools willfully deceiving parents about vaccine requirements. 

These schools are under the direction of the Indiana State Department of Health who has refused to act after many attempts by us and by Senator Tomes to force the schools to operate within the law. It is for that reason that we can no longer trust the oversight of the ISDOH in this regard.

As you can see, this bill is absolutely needed! Schools must be held to the same standard as everyone else in our state and should not be allowed to misguide parents of their legal rights. Please call SB 18 for a hearing and demand schools follow the law by providing true informed consent to parents and constituents in this great state.

Warmest regards,

Ed Charbonneau contact info:            (317) 232-9494


STEP 3: JOIN us at the Statehouse Tuesday January 16th!

We have created a Facebook event for our Rally before the HB 1058 hearing (Influenza Information to Section 8 housing residents). You can find that event . Please come join us at the rally with signs if you can so we can change the hearts and minds of the legislators as they walk in to vote!

We have another rally that same morning in Opposition of SB 294 regarding CBD oil. We support the free access to CBD oil in Indiana as all other 49 states have! SB 294 seeks to limit the use of CBD oil only to those who are on a registry and who carry a medical card. We OPPOSE this bill unless the registry component is removed and free access is given to all! You can find our Facebook event for that rally .

STEP 4: Stay tuned for part 2 of this action alert to follow immediately!

We are organizing a Social Media Storm about a very important issue and will share all about it in the next post. That post will be up within the hour!