Indiana University announced to students and staff that as soon as the flu vaccine they are purchasing arrives, all will be required to have it. IU plans to offer their flu vaccine when available or allow flu vaccines given from private industry, such as CVS, Walgreens, etc. At this point in time, IU has not mentioned allowing any exemptions.
Purdue announced in May 2020 that all students and staff would be required to get flu vaccines. However, Purdue President Mitch Daniels announced that there are exemptions including personal beliefs. IU has not done that.
Please contact Indiana University President McRobbie and Provost Lauren Robel to tell them to offer exemptions. The Provost is very important to contact, because McRobbie is retiring at the end of this year. Tell them you disagree with a flu vaccine requirement and DEMAND personal, religious, and medical exemptions.
President McRobbie
Indianapolis Office: 317-274-3571
Bloomington Office: 812-855-4613
Vice President/Provost Lauren Robel
Phone: 812-855-9011
At this point, Indiana University is taking a hardline stance on the flu vaccine. With Purdue, their board voted to require a flu vaccine. With IU, they used an outside group of people, including a person with Eli Lily, to determine their guidelines. Here is a link to the guidance recommendations, and they are following the flu vaccine requirement in it: