Call ASAP to Oppose HB 1003


Call your House Rep and tell them to Vote NO on HB 1003


Tell them you don’t want foreign workers brought in to replace nurses who were fired over the vaccine mandates. You also don’t students on temp licenses for years. We already have a process for temp licenses for students.

They just filed HB 1003 and quickly slipped it in to pass a few days ago. It allows temporary licenses for students until the Federal government ends the state of emergency. I’m not sure when they would be required to pass an exam. It also brings in foreign workers to replace nurses.

Usually temp licenses only work for 6 months or less to allow time to work under supervision before taking the test. If a student fails, the temp license is revoked. This doesn’t specify that. I’ve seen some really bad temporary licensed students who failed the license exam and lost their temp license. We don’t need them temp licensed for years.

Mainly, it brings in foreign nurses who are vaccinated and can take the jobs of Americans who are not vaccinated or want exemptions. If nothing else, we need them to remove that part from the bill. There’s already a process to license foreign workers, it doesn’t need to be made easier. We aren’t as much in an actual shortage as much as we are in a CREATED shortage with contract tracing, quarantine, and firing nurses.

The solution isn’t to bring in temp licenses and foreign workers. It’s to stop the madness and move on with life. But this will allow the madness to continue until the Feds say it’s over.

We are already addressing temporary licensure in HB 1001 that allows the medical industry more time to replace the temp licensed staff.

Oppose HB 1003

The bill will have a 2nd reading today at 1:30 session.

Also call the bill authors and tell them you oppose the bill. If nothing else, it needs amended to remove the foreign worker section and leave the section increasing capacity for nursing education programs.

Brad Barrett 317-234-2993

J. Michael Davisson 317-232-9619

Ethan Manning 317-232-9619

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