A message from Hoosiers for Medical Liberty
I want everyone to PAUSE calls to the Pensions and labor committee! We have heard from more than one committee member that they are just as frustrated as we are and that their hands are tied.
Time to put the pressure squarely where it belongs: on Senate Leadership. They are the only ones who can change this. Please continue your calls to Senators Bray and Boots (phone numbers below). We will refocus some of our energy and start bringing media coverage to the importance of this issue.
We ask that you spend the next week calling news stations and letting them know how infuriating it is that SB74 has been held hostage in committee. It is important that you share with the media that the bill has bipartisan support and a total of 9 authors.
The news station should be aware of the capture of our legislative leaders, resulting in the betrayal of Hoosier representation and holding the bill hostage.
PLEASE TEXT 260-286-0988 the word: MEDIA
We will provide Indianapolis contacts and ask that you contact your local stations, as well. They may be able to get video coverage from Indy affiliates of our Wednesday February 3rd Statehouse event.
I just want to remind everyone of our event TOMORROW. We will start at 10 am so please be inside the statehouse and ready to go. This event is to show our Legislators support. Behavior is to reflect that. We will treat the Statehouse with respect; no moving furniture or littering. Treat ALL persons with the integrity and respect that you wish to be represented with. I don’t feel this is necessary for this group but feel like these words of affirmation are needed.
Now the details:
Senate Leader Rodric Bray 317-232-9416
Committee Chair Senator Phil Boots 317-234-9054
To tell them to stop holding SB74 hostage.
Next Call the media with the following information: Please provide coverage for Senate Bill 74, an important worker’s rights bill. It is infuriating that SB74 has been held hostage in committee. We have been told to stop calling legislators on this bill because phones were ringing every minute. This bill has bipartisan support AND a total of 9 authors. Constituents will be down at the Statehouse by 10am Wednesday Feb 3rd to show their support for SB74.
WRTV6: (317) 262-1440
WishTV8: 317-931-2222
WXIN-TV: 317-632-5900
WTHR13: 317-636-1313
Remember to call your local stations as well.
Again, text the number above for a list of clickable numbers.
Thank you!