HB 1229 Call to Oppose, Hearing is Monday Feb 1 at 8:30

Indiana legislators continue to try to screw us. While they refuse to vote on SB 74 that gives exemptions to all employees, they are hearing a bill that will track the health care employees who do use legal exemptions. A big reason that legislators said they could not support SB 74 t0 allow exemptions….they don’t want to put mandates on employers by making them require exemptions since they support freedom (eye roll). They only support “freedom” when it lines their pockets with corporate “donations”. Amazingly, this bill will be a mandate on hospital employers and the legislators are fine with doing that even though so many claim to be against adding mandates on employers.

HB 1229 will be heard Monday morning Feb 1 at 8:30 in the House Public Health committee. It requires hospitals to add an extra month to the flu shot season mandate and requires a health facility to retain a signed statement from each employee of the health facility indicating that the employee has been offered the influenza immunization and whether the employee has chosen to accept or decline to receive the influenza immunization.

If you can show up to testify in OPPOSITION Monday morning in the Government Center building directly west of the Statehouse, please do so.

Call and email over the weekend all the committee members and tell them to vote no on this bill.

Rep Barrett- Committee Chair and co-author

Rep Davisson

Rep Lehe

Rep Lehman

Rep Olthoff

Rep Schaibley

Rep Vermilion

Rep Ziemke

The other members are already going to support the bill, so they were not added to contact since we are short on time. You can do this over the weekend and leave voicemails/emails.

Then find your Representative and call and email them that you oppose HB 1229 and want them to vote no. If you don’t know who your Rep is, you can find your Rep at this link by putting in your address.

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