Pfizer Covid Vaccine Reactions

A week into the FDA’s emergency use authorization for Pfizer’s mRNA covid vaccine, several severe anaphylactic reactions have happened to the healthcare workers who took it. This post is mainly going to be about linking news stories about these reactions, and asking you to support the Worker Protection Act that will be released when session starts in January.

In Alaska, 3 health care workers without previous allergies had anaphylactic reactions to the Pfizer vaccine.

In Chicago area, 4 hospital workers had severe reactions and the one hospital is halting the program. However, other area hospitals are not halting.

1 out of 750 based on 4 of 3000 had severe reactions

A nurse in Tennessee collapsed 17 minutes after receiving the vaccine. Of course they gaslighted us to say it was unrelated to Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine. The nurse apparently has a condition where she passes out with pain, even though the shot was 17 minutes prior. Why would anyone go on live TV if they know they faint on a regular basis and cannot handle injections?! It’s just another “coincidence” and “common” occurrence after vaccination according to the experts.

The FDA takes safety very seriously (hahaha riggghhhttt).

In fact they care about safety so much that they don’t mind getting rid of the placebo group so we won’t have any long term studies comparing the mRNA vaccine group to the unvaccinated group.

It’s only been a week and relatively few vaccines have been issued in the scheme of the population and there have been several severe reactions that sent people to intensive care units.

The cure is worse than the disease, especially since lesser reactions of getting covid symptoms from the vaccine aren’t making the news.

Moderna’s mRNA vaccine has just received emergency use authorization. This one had a lot of bad reactions in the trials.

Finally, the Worker Protection Act will be released when Indiana legislative session starts on January 4. We need your help even if you are retired or don’t work. Please contact your state Senator and state Representative to tell them you don’t support covid vaccine mandates, especially by employers. More alerts will come out when the bill is released. Sign to support the Worker Protection Act.

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